Fall Seeds

I love to collect seeds!

Throughout my years of teaching, I have used them in multiple ways.

I have had students write a poem about a chosen seed. I would read the poems out loud and the students would try to guess which seed the poem was written about.

I have used them as sensory toys for those students who need to fidget.

I have used them to begin discussions on adaptations and seed dispersal.

They have been used to practice grouping and sorting.

And, last, but certainly not least, I have simply added them to my nature table for students to observe and ‘play’ with as they choose. Even my high schoolers enjoyed visiting the table and checking out the different seeds.

Seeds are an excellent way to introduce nature based learning. You can sit outside anywhere and use seeds or bring them in for easier nature access.

Seeds come in so many varieties I can not help but marvel at them!







Milkweed and World War II